
<?php namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap;

use Illuminate\Log\Writer;
use Monolog\Logger as Monolog;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application;

class ConfigureLogging {

/** * Bootstrap the given application. * 引导给定的应用程序。 * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app * @return void */ public function bootstrap(Application $app) { // 读取 app.log 配置,调用对应的的日志处理方法 $this->configureHandlers($app, $this->registerLogger($app)); // Next, we will bind a Closure that resolves the PSR logger implementation // as this will grant us the ability to be interoperable with many other // libraries which are able to utilize the PSR standardized interface. // 绑定日志处理实例为 Monolog。 $app->bind('Psr\Log\LoggerInterface', function($app) { return $app['log']->getMonolog(); }); }
/** * Register the logger instance in the container. * 在容器中注册日志处理实例。 * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app * @return \Illuminate\Log\Writer */ protected function registerLogger(Application $app) { $app->instance('log', $log = new Writer( new Monolog($app->environment()), $app['events']) ); return $log; }
/** * Configure the Monolog handlers for the application. * 读取 app.log 配置,调用对应的的日志处理方法。 * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app * @param \Illuminate\Log\Writer $log * @return void */ protected function configureHandlers(Application $app, Writer $log) { $method = "configure".ucfirst($app['config']['app.log'])."Handler"; $this->{$method}($app, $log); }
/** * Configure the Monolog handlers for the application. * 单文件日志处理。 * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app * @param \Illuminate\Log\Writer $log * @return void */ protected function configureSingleHandler(Application $app, Writer $log) { $log->useFiles($app->storagePath().'/logs/laravel.log'); }
/** * Configure the Monolog handlers for the application. * 每日记录,允许通过 app.log_max_files 设置“最大日志保存天数”(默认 5 天)。 * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app * @param \Illuminate\Log\Writer $log * @return void */ protected function configureDailyHandler(Application $app, Writer $log) { $log->useDailyFiles( $app->storagePath().'/logs/laravel.log', $app->make('config')->get('app.log_max_files', 5) ); }
/** * Configure the Monolog handlers for the application. * 并入系统日志,并将标识符设置为 laravel。 * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app * @param \Illuminate\Log\Writer $log * @return void */ protected function configureSyslogHandler(Application $app, Writer $log) { $log->useSyslog('laravel'); }
/** * Configure the Monolog handlers for the application. * 并入系统错误日志。 * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app * @param \Illuminate\Log\Writer $log * @return void */ protected function configureErrorlogHandler(Application $app, Writer $log) { $log->useErrorLog(); } }